Determine an image for a random John Cage Indeterminancy #YSdaily11


Use the web site that yields a random excerpt from John Cage’s Indeterminacy: New Aspect of Form in Instrumental and Electronic Music and see if you can find or take a photo to represent a selection that appeals to you.

This is probably best done in a blog post so you can share the link to the excerpt you selected (if you right/control click on the number on the top left, you can copy a link to the excerpt). You can copy the text (maybe put it in blockquote text) or use a screen shot, and also include the image you found to go with the selection. Be sure to provide credit for where you found the image.

Learn more about John Cage

Thanks to Brian Scrivener for cluing me into the John Cage site.

Tweet a link for your response to @youshow15 and be sure to include the hashtag #YSdaily11

Create a Book Spine Poem About Your Interest #YSdaily6

From the Sorted Books project by Nina Katchadourian

Stack a series of books that work to create a book spine message about your portfolio, career, or academic interest.

Nina Katchadourian’s Sorted Books project aims to artistically described different libraries by creating stacked messages from the titles on the spine of books. Use your own books or use ones from a library or book store (but be sure to out them back!) to create a message, poem that might describe your work or interests.

Tweet a link for your photo to @youshow15 and be sure to include the hashtag #ysdaily6

Give Some Comment Love to a You Show Blogger #ysdaily5

Give some constructive feedback to at least three others blogging for the You Show.

Feedback is more than “nice post”. See the You Show Guidebook for some tips on Constructive Commenting.

See what kind of suggestions, resources, you can give to someone else. Either find a post in the blog flow or try your hand at the random post picker.

Tweet a link to @youshow15 for blog posts where you have commented and be sure to include the hashtag #ysdaily5

You had me at your title.


A good title can make all the difference.

Find a blog post, online article, or even a song title that has a title that captures your attention. If you are part of the You Show, consider writing a blog post explaining why you chose it, or what it means to you. How creative can you get with your own blog post titles?

Tweet a link to @youshow15 of something with an effective title and be sure to include the hashtag #ysdaily4