The Same Sentence #ysdaily23


Record into your computer or other device this sentence:

I will do three You Show Daily Challenges this week. But I won’t feel guilty if I don’t do three.

Upload the audio file to the Transloadit tool that generate a waveform image from an audio file and share the image.

How do our voices compare?

Tweet your waveform image to @youshow15 and be sure to include the hashtag #ysdaily23

Show what’s in your head #ysdaily20


Illustrate what occupies your mind by creating a collage of images that fit inside a silhouette shape. From the original DS106 design assignment:

Collect ten or more images that display what goes on in your head. Using a silhouette of your head in Adobe Photoshop or any other photo-editing program, display the images within your head. Give more space to those items that carry more significance to you. Try not to repeat images that display the same idea. The use of the “Layer Mask” can help eliminate backgrounds and “Color Effects” can help you with drop shadows and overlays.

Tweet a link for your response to @youshow15 and be sure to include the hashtag #ysdaily20

Create Your Story as a Historic Constrvtion Cit #ysdaily18

Historic Tale Construction Kit

Use the Historic Tale Construction Kit to generate an image that depicts a challenge you have overcome or something else you might place in your portfolio or online representation as a metaphor for something you have done. The elements in the tool are from the Middle Ages era Bayeux Tapestry that depicted the 1066 Battle of Hastings.

Tweet a link for your response to @youshow15 and be sure to include the hashtag #ysdaily18

Frame Your Day in One Word #ysdaily15

One Word to Frame My Day by @amyburvall

What one word stands out to describe your day?

Create a graphic version of that word in no more than three colors- draw the letters (do not use type tools!) and put a frame around it. Amy Burvall’s visual #oneword practice:

On my plane ride last night I had a thought – what if I could essentialize my day into 1 word? What would be the most important? I am a big fan of creativity in restraint… I also see it as a way to experiment with and practice my typography, since my palette is self-restricted to hot pink and black I really need to play in other ways.

Tweet a link for your response to @youshow15 and be sure to include the hashtag #ysdaily15 Hey add @amyburvall too!

Describe Yourself in Four Icons #ysdaily14

Noun Project images

Make a four icon collage of symbols or icons that describe you or your interests. Try to find ones that are graphically uniform in design- the ones above are from the Noun Project. Share a link to your image (can be uploaded to twitter or on your blog, the latter is better because you can give attribution).

Tweet a link for your response to @youshow15 and be sure to include the hashtag #ysdaily14