Show opposites working together- make a yin yang image #ysdaily52 #mtech15


flickr photo shared by whatmattdoes under a Creative Commons ( BY-NC-SA ) license

Can you create your own unique yin and yang metaphor in a photo, using subjects/objects/stuff you have at hand?

You know the symbol from Chinese philosophy, the white and black shapes filling a circle. Or sometimes with a fish.

This is a special challenge or participants at the Maricopa Community College’s 2015 Teaching with technology conference

Tweet a link for your response to @youshow15 and be sure to include the hashtags #ysdaily52 and #mtech15

Celebrate National Pig Day #ysdaily47

According to Holiday insights, this holiday was invented in 1972 by Texas art teacher Ellen Stanley.

cc licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by cogdogblog:

National Pig Day recognizes and gives thanks to domesticated pigs. For some unknown reason, big, pot-bellied pigs seen in zoos, are often the symbol of the day. Pigs are clever and intelligent animals. But, most people are unaware of this high level of intelligence. They can be taught to do tricks. Some people even keep them as pets. Today is a day to give pigs the respect that they deserve.

Create something, a photo, drawing, poem, to honor pigs.

cc licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by cogdogblog:

Tweet a link for your response to @youshow15 and be sure to include the hashtag #ysdaily47